International Biodiversity Day, 2019: The Society for Environment & Biodiversity Conservation, Ratnagari and International Centre Goa (supported by Himalaya Drug Company) are hosting this day-long festival celebrating Mother Earth. Events include nature trails, photography exhibition of biodiversity of
Western Ghats/medicinal plants/wild edible fruit, lectures and film shows. Venue: ICG, Dona Paula. Date: May 22. Time: 8am to 5pm. Details: Prior registration is mandatory. Call 7387766390 or log in

International Museum Day Celebrations: Goa Science Centre has an exhibition titled `My Own Collection’ ongoing from May 16 to 18 from 4pm to 6pm at its children’s park, Goa Science Centre complex at Miramar, Panaji. Details: Call 2463426/

Celebrating World Museum Day at Goa Chitra: This is Goa’s only ethnographic museum and celebrations include a unique panel discussion on ‘Custodians of Heritage’ with panels speakers Rajendara Kerkar, Frederick Noronha, Vinay Kumar and Sanjeev Sardesai. It’s free entry for children from orphanages and children’s homes, strictly on prior registration. IFA Fellow Lina Vincent who is currently working on an archival fellowship will interacting with 35 students the age group of 4 to 15 years from El Shaddai. Venue: Goa Chitra Ethnographic Museum, Benaulim, south Goa. Date: Saturday, May 18. Time: 4pm to 6pm

Cholta-Cholta: Explore and sketch around Aldona with a group. The walk starts off from the Alban Couto Community Library. Venue: Alban Couto Community Library, Shop No4, Parish Center. Date: May 28. Time: 4pm. Details: Call 9823222665. Fee: `300.

The Tool House: A futuristic talk by Rahul Srivastava who studied anthropology at St Xavier’s College (Mumbai), Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and Cambridge (UK). He co-founder Urbz with Matias Echanove and Geeta Mehta in Mumbai. The Tool-House is a typology found around the world, combining working and living conditions and is domestic and work-centered in urban milieu. Don’t miss! Venue: Museum of Goa, Pilerne Industrial Estate, Pilerne. Date: May 19. Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm.

Make-Up Workshop: This is a 3-hours long workshop conducted by Alyssa Mendonsa, celebrity fashion icon and bridal make-up artist. The workshop is ideal for beginners who want to learn simple, easy ways to use make-up for more cheerful presentation. See the artist’s work on Instagram@alyssamendonsamakeupartistry. Details: Call 98196 76417 or 9821138131

Bookworm Preschool Morning Session: At Bookworm there’s an exciting two and a half hours session with various segments such as a story read aloud, word games, songs, individual craftswork, collaborative craftswork, a short movie, theme-based snacks and more which promotes early literacy in fun ways. Venue: Bookworm, Fontainhas, Panaji. Date: Saturday, May 18. Time: 10am to 12.30pm. Details: 09823222665

‘Angriya’ — sailing season closes for monsoon

Angriya, India’s maiden domestic cruise ship, successfully completed its first season of operations since its launch in October, 2018. It revived the Mumbai-Goa sea route after a gap of three decades, providing an alternative way to travel by sea as also have some fun along the way. Its first season saw Angriya completing 175 voyages — equivalent to two complete circles around the globe! Chalking up 55,000 passengers from India and abroad. With the advent of the southwest monsoon season the cruise company has declared its voyages closed from May 20 to Oct 1, 2019. Voyages will resume for fair season anew on Oct 1, but the ship is open for full or part charter as a floating venue living up to its “voyages of wows” tagline from mid-July onwards. Enquires may be addressed at

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