THE NEW GMC IN PICTURES… the good, bad and ugly!

A HOSPITAL IS HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR SO MANY, TAKE A LOOK (clockwise)… Ugly! On way to OPD wet floors and crumbling ceilings in state of disrepair; The Matruchaya help desk does good work guiding new patients; at crowded Out-Patients department and some useful doctors information up on the wall; what a shabby place to recharge your smart phone at the entrance of the hospital; Nescafe Cafeteria out on lovely garden grounds is a sorry cafeteria always in a mess, although about the only place to sit a while and maybe drink coffee or eat some junk food; finally, are all these terror posters of Big Brother watching you sternly everywhere… so make sure you don’t litter, spit, loiter!

THE NEW GMC IN PICTURES... the good, bad and ugly!


Sad! Stands everywhere but the lazy will still leave their footwear on the floor; floor is best for catching-up on some sleep but please note that the new stainless steel benches are not designed for comfort like the wooden benches of old as depicted here!


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