all in masks bounty!

FC GOA, DELTIN GROUP JOIN THE FIGHT: Joining the list of philanthropists helping to fight the coronavirus lockdown are FC Goa and Deltin Group who have volunteered to help out with medical equipment. Group picture here includes Ashish Kapadia (MD, Delta Corporation), Minister of Waste Management, Science and Technology, Port and Rural Development of Goa Michael Lobo, FC Goa president Akshay Tandon and others…medical testing kits and personal protective equipment for doctors and nurses was distributed to hospitals in Calangute, Candolim and Mapusa. Said FC Goa’s President Tandon, “Smaller hospitals and clinics also require medical equipment to help them cope with the crisis of coronavirus infection and we are happy to provide them with whatever they need till they are able to procure for themselves. It is our way of thanking doctors and nurses for their gallant work.”


THE positive aspect of a lockdown in the wake of Covid-19 is certainly something to cheer about. During this period since at least 90% of the 14 lakh four-wheelers and the 11-lakh two-wheelers are off the road at any particular point of time — air pollution all over Goa was considerably down. There was no emissions of vehicles plying in public, no large quantities of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide as well as particulate matter, PM2.5 and PM10. He air we were suddenly breathing was conducive to healthy living!
Clean air when inhaled sustains the respiratory system and fills the lungs with oxygenated air which strengthens our immunity to diseases of the respiratory tract. To get precise statistical figures the Goa State Pollution Control Board could undertake an exercise in measuring the comparative contents of the air that we breathe in areas such as cities and towns, as well as in Vasco port town which is now affected by coal dust pollution, to determine the difference of PM2.5 and PM10 in the atmosphere in Vasco. Vasco is breathing easy these days of coronavirus lockdown!
In the mining areas too such an exercise is worth conducting to determine the difference in the ambient air quality now and during the period of transportation of ore. The GSPCB has at least until May 3 to conduct this survey which would shed light on the extent of pollution and its effect on human health in Goa.
— Elvidio Miranda, Panaji

WITH Covid-19 originating and devastating China for almost three months, including December 2019, before wreaking havoc on the rest of the world, countries had to follow Chinese methods to combat the same.
Chinese crude oil imports in March 2020 is 4.5 % higher than last year March, and significantly at a much lower price. Their demand for the first two months was 1/3rd of last year. Obviously, the March demand is made of both consumption and inventory built. Smart move.
Are Indian petro- companies also learning the same or are they waiting for the government to bail them out? Considering the close camaraderie between certain Indian refineries and the government, obviously the latter.
A similar trend is seen in Chinese March imports vis-a-vis last year, same month, for iron ore (down just 0.6%), coal (up 18.5%) and copper (up 13%). Copper is the barometer of manufacturing activities.
Losses due to crony capitalism is not measurable — but will surely be felt by the common man.
— R Fernandes, Margao

THE recent advisory issued by the Goa Police on social media posts including Whatsapp is sought to be conveniently and deviously misconstrued by some. That police advisory very rightly says that fake news, hate speech or misinformation should not be posted on Whatsapp groups and to also not forward such news without verifying the same. The advisory further correctly says not to share any content that is violent, pornographic and discriminative against any religion or community. These are in fact commonsense fundamentals that anyone using social media should strictly adhere to at all times.
Instead of deleting any posts that are objectionable, some Whatsapp group Admins while sneakily taking shelter of that police Advisory have changed the settings of the group to only allow Admins to post which is violating freedom of speech. Admins are either conniving with the establishment to suppress the voices of group members or they are possibly morons wrongly interpreting the police advisory. If an Admin is incompetent in managing a group, winding it up would be the right option.
Whether on COVID-19 or any other issue that concerns society we all are entitled to fairly express our opinion and suggestions if any. Freedom of speech and expression is fundamental to a democracy while a free and fearless press is also sacrosanct. The power to dissent and the right to hold a different viewpoint is vital to the very functioning of democracy.
Ironically, in the run up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections the BJP made extensive use of the RTI Act and social media to ride to power. But once on the saddle they find the social media a stumbling block in masking and covering up the follies of a faltering government.
Social media has transformed and drastically enhanced our power to communicate instantly with the world. Through Whatsapp, Twitter, the various groups on Facebook, besides other global networking sites that I am enrolled with, I am able to communicate within minutes by sharing a message or a thought with lakhs of people worldwide, while leaving it to anyone who differs to express his own point of view. Thank you Social Media. It’s an amazing world!
— Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar
MODI video conferencing and his instructions to Indians is not well digested by the public as their brains are getting corroded day by day by staying at home. Only eating rotten vegetables, no meat , no pork which Goans love. Newspapers must come with two page edition as there is no news except corona, corona and video conferencing gives lectures to CMs and the public! One page can be dedicated to Narendra Modi and the other page for the public to share their views via articles, letters and reports from reporters.
On another matter, if Elvis Gomes had been elected MP I guarantee you our seafarers would have been back on Goan soil by now. Speaking of Goa’s MPs please tell me if Francisco Sardinha has joined the BJP?
— Stephen Dias, Dona Paula

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