panaji market re-opened this week with a difference: Panaji has one of the most beautifully designed market in Goa! It was designed by none other than ardent Goan architect and urban planner Charles Correa. The coronavirus pandemic shut it down but now it has re-opened anew with a difference. All who love shopping here will have to observe some sanitation and safety rules such as (inset)using santizer offered at the market entry points.


THE government need not panic as Mangor Hill has reported 47 positive cases of Covid-19. Tighten things up such things as social distancing, use of face masks and sanitizers. Maintain high degree of cleanliness in the environment, in and around Mangor Hill. Send a few most capable health workers as health vigilantes in order to fast track the detection of cases and their immediate isolation and quarantine. Emphasis on detection of cases early so as to treat them to become recovered patients sooner than later.
Also instil methodology amongst the populace in Mangor Hill and do not leave anything to chance. Do not get overawed by the situation but get down to diligent and efficient detection of cases before they spread. It is possible that not a single Covid-19 case will turn into fatality if prompt measures are taken in good time!
— Alvidio Miranda, Panaji

IS Comunidade land meant for ’all the public’? Is it not ‘magic’ that this has become the true meaning of the same? Anytime a government project needs land ‘ just dip into the former for a pittance’! Note this land has been ‘guarded without profit’ for decades (centuries?) only to be ultimately ‘given up’ for a pittance so another might profit? Contrast this with land purchased by real estate hardly a decade back: they are exempt from this acquisition. Why?
There is more magic. Agricultural land belonging to the Comunidade has poor sale value, being agricultural: Rs30 per sq mt? The same cannot be sold for commercial use. Income from the same by way of leasing out for cultivation returns say RsXX annually.
After acquisition the land changes to commercial: yet the purchase is done at the prevailing agricultural land rates. It is well known the land is acquired for commercial use. By magic the courts of law approve this sale? Commercial rates are at least Rs4,000 per sqmt. Magic: the government has appreciated its money by over 133 times! Good governance?
So now a Panchayat Ghar comes up in agricultural land! Shops and offices for post office, electricity department, BSNL, fair price shops, etc, are built. Rent is earned form all. Magic: from RsXX annual income to the Comnunidade, the government gets how many thousand times more? The Communidade puts the money received from the acquisition in an FD and gets Rs1.8 per sqmt! But the astute government is showing sensational management. We often read in the dailies that payments to Comunidade staff salaries remain pending for months! Magic or sorcery?
Comunidade will do well to lease its land out for projects with an annual increase in rent. They have to keep the interests of the components of the communidade.
— R Fernandes, Margao

DESPITE the Supreme Court having ruled that no vehicle can be altered so as to change the original specification made by manufacturer, the law is being brazenly flouted with impunity. The sound pollution created by modifying silencers of bikes especially those of Bullet is an awful nuisance to the general public especially in villages, disturbing the sleep of the elderly and children. The authorities need to crack the whip and act with deterrent fines for every modified vehicle to contravene the law.
Minors illegally riding 2-wheelers and sometimes even 4-wheelers is also a matter of great concern. The owners of such vehicles must be severely punished for having giving access to their vehicles to those without a license. The traffic police and the transport department officials must also act against chronic rash, negligent and over speeding on roads. There are various places in the State where youth in particular have races with their vehicles on open stretches of public road – it is dangerous and annoyance for residents of the area. There is need for Zero Tolerance for drunken driving.
Action against tinted glasses too must be taken against all without fear or favour. Vehicles are not designed nor should be used to hide one’s identity or as a fashion symbol! If the authorities have the spine, they should go to the Secretariat at Porvorim, where they would find abundant tinted vehicles belonging to the politicians, their kin and kith and cronies. Nobody can be above the law.
Deliberate, reckless flouting of the law coupled with the dangerous state of our roads is a lethal recipe for an unacceptable rate of needless road accidents, air and noise pollution. Road safety must be a top priority and of paramount importance for the well-being and peace of mind of the people. The authorities have a duty and obligation to ensure that roads used by road worthy vehicles and people who show respect for others and for the law, without fear or favour.
— Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

GOOD news after the Prime Minister’s announcement that churches and religious places may be opening on June 8, 2020, but only after the State government feels it is safe to do so. If they open they should take precautions so that social distancing of at least two meters is maintained. Churches should take note of this for Sunday masses. Priests should also keep masses short, no more than half-an-hour so that the elderly and children too may fulfil their Sunday obligation happily and go home safely. Large TV screens can be used and masses held outside churches with strict social distancing.
Masks may be worn and taken off during communion. Holy communion should be received by the faithful on their hands by silently uttering the word Amen to avoid any possibility of droplets either falling on the priest or fellow churchgoers. Singing may be abstained for the sake of not spreading any infection through droplets from mouth when singing. Silent responses is also a good idea.The elderly and vulnerable with health conditions may stay at home until they feel confident. Please observe no touching of face, eyes and washing of hands at an external tap as soon as you return home, before touching anything at home or preparing food.
Parish councils and Somudai groups should be in the forefront educating and sensitizing people about misconceptions and the facts of coronavirus infection and spread. Those who wish may donate home-made cloth masks to whoever needs them. This should be a charitable initiative. Everyone should understand that neither the government nor the priests are stopping them from fulfilling their prayers but whatever rules are there are for their safety and wellbeing and to stay safe.
This deadly coronavirus can kill so let’s pray that God delivers us from it as soon as possible.
— Jo Dias, Chandor

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