BELATED: Following the example of Arvind Kejriwal Delhi Chief Minister, Pramod Sawant and Vishwajeet Ranes launched the long delayed personal kits for patients who have opted for home isolation rather than go to the GMC which is a guarantee of instant casuality or private hospitals which will reduce you from crorepati to beggars!


Despite having contacted Covid-19 almost a month before the November 3 Presidential election, Donald Trump has exhibited a great deal of willpower and a very positive mindset. At the age of 74, a hyped up Trump stated just before leaving the Walter Reed Military hospital: `Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life’.Although, having been given the best of treatment available, having been administered remdesivir, the steroid dexamethasone as well as an infusion of an experimental antibody cocktail being tested by Regeneron and also oxygen, Trump showed great determination in fighting the Covid-19 infection. Thus Trump is a role model for other septuagenarians who are battling Covid-19. Great guts!
— Elvidio Miranda, Panaji

Outgoing Lokayukta Justice (Retired) Mishra has minced no words in his interview with a local Daily. Goa must act and get the same corrected. Prosecution powers with the Lokayukta must be part of the Act as in Kerala. Permanent Investigators- not requisitioned from the Police- must be provided. At the moment it must at least be of Inspector grade.
Opposition parties seem to be hesitant in taking up these matters: are they safe guarding themselves? If AAP wants to be different they should spearhead this.
Imagine: a small land owner was robbed of his land by the collusion of a Politician and Govt. Official. The former had no Political clout. He must have been made to run from pillar to post with all offices, already empowered and required to help him, carelessly pushing him off. Even opposition Politicians did not come forward. It seems we are all collectively spineless. That is why the Lokayukta Act must be given more teeth. Politicians never fail to blame locals for selling land to outsiders: here lies the reason. Even now, the aggrieved person must be living in fear.
The common man needs systems to safeguard themselves. Villagers must form a non-Panchayat member group to take up such matters.
Just as the indigenous peoples of US, New Zealand etc had their lands taken away, so too we see the same crimes in Goa. The modus operendi is: if a large Public land is involved, change the Laws at the Centre. If individual land, Communidade land is involved, then the Lokyukta case modus operendi is followed. Goans need to boycott such Govt. Officials.
In units like MPT, too we need the Lokayukta to get involved. Many Goans opted for VRS to get away from breaking rules to favour crony businessmen. That is no solution.
Let us not forget that the main culprit in all this is the person who wanted/built the Villas. He would have got the property at a low cost since there was no access. Sadly, no strictures have been passed against him. It appears that businessmen are corrupt by nature and will alway use illegal means to make money: and so they are allowed to do so. We are too kind?
— R Fernandes, Margao

The source of the origin of the Corona viruses has until now not been proven beyond doubt despite the passage of more than nine months since the outbreak of Covid-19. From the wet markets of Wuhan in Hube’s province through bats, snakes or pangolins to the accidental release of the virus from the Wuhan Virology Institute, the origin of the Corona virus has not been established. Could the genome sequencing of the Corona virus throw light on the origin of the Corona virus? IT could be fact that that the genome sequencing of the naturally spread Corona virus be different from a laboratory man-made one? Credible claims have emerge of the virus being man-made. Dr. James Fetzer has published on September 30th, 2020 title “ proof that the pandemic was planned and with purpose” .A group of 500 doctors in Germany under the banner “ Doctors for Information” made a shocking statement during a national press conference. They also organised mass protests in Europe like the one on August 29th,2020 where 12 millions people signed up and several millions actually showed up. A Spanish group of 600 doctors under the banner of “ Doctors for Truth” made a similar statement, their findings have not been published in the mainstream media.
Some of the reasons given by various publications sound like paranoia however a couple of ‘facts’ published online, if true, definitely seem suspicious. I’ll mention two.
As we know the new COVID-19 disease appeared in China towards the end of 2019. Therefore it was named COVID-19 which is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019. In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation. Did you catch that? In 2015 – four years before the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed.

  • Also Data from the World Integrated Trade Solution shows something astonishing: in 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of millions of test kits for COVID-19 were distributed worldwide. It would be interesting if our Goan doctors do some research into these claims and allegations and give us their opinions and feedback.
    — Stephen Dias, Dona Paula

thank you pwd minister
We are very indebted to PWD Minister Deepak Pauskar and his officials for having found a way out to save the compound wall of a Ribandar Chapel from demolition. That sword had been hanging for the last many years on Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Ribandar – Chimbel junction. It is a great relief that this issue has now been resolved and laid to rest.
The proposed plan of the State PWD Highways was strongly opposed by the local people as it would have damaged the compound wall of the chapel and in the long run the chapel itself. This centuries old chapel is a historical and heritage monument which needs to be protected and preserved for posterity.
The construction of the Highway so close to the chapel would have led to heavy vehicles passing next to the chapel, resulting in huge vibration which would have damaged the structure and hurt the religious sentiments not only of the Catholic community but also our Hindu brethren who venerate Our Lady of Immaculate Conception in equal devotion.
The PWD Minister after visiting the Chapel site directed the authorities to work out an alternate plan in which the proposed road is diverted on the opposite side of the chapel where ample land is available.
Mr. Pauskar assured the local people that the chapel compound wall will not be touched and that it would be saved from demolition. It is so heartening that an issue has been resolved during the pandemic and the people too need to be applauded for having stood united braving COVID-19.
— Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar


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