A bench of the SC led by the chief justice has made it clear that it would not allow sharing the data by the company which compromise the rights of its users and gave whatsapp four weeks to state its policy on using data of those who use the app.

” You may be two or three trillion dollar company but peoples privacy is more valuable. The Facebook groups which bought over whatsapp announced a new policy on sharing its data of the user with advertiser and other commercial interest.

IT was pointed out by facebook and whatsapp that the new policy is applicable to the rest of the world except Europe. Europe has a special law on privacy and we follow the law. If there is a similar law in India we will follow it.



The news that you get on the google search engine various print an online publications in the world. Not only has google been taking this content free but charges companies for putting them on the first page of the search engine.

IN Australia however following a petition by media houses google has agreed to pay for the news that uses on its search engine. Indeed seven west media has become the largest Australian news media business to strike a deal with google to pay for journalism in a partnership.

In Indian publication houses can use the precincts to make google pay for content taken from media in India.

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