Vashu Sumaya, 77, businessman
Well, God made men and women equal. So there was no attraction between them. So women asked God to give them some more if what was not allowed to men – God said women will have to make some sacrifice, give up their brains maybe. The women agreed and gave up their brains for more good looks and sex appeal to drive men crazy! Now you make up your mind whether men love or hate women. But seriously? You want me to be serious? I love women with intelligence as they are practical and capable for multi-tasking. I love that a woman can be supportive of her husband and stand behind him like a rock and boost his morale. And I hate it when a woman can humilate him and bring down his self esteem. A woman can make you or break you. I hate women who have no grey matter as they waste their lives in cheap gossip and go yaketi yak bla bla blab la…okay, enough!