ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPHE: Mother Earth is cursed by the plastic waste of human civilization, but that is just one of the mega problems taking a toll of the good earth! The only solution is to switch over to eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyles based on organic agriculture…to restore natural resources rather than continue to exploit them to death.

SO hot in Goa and it is only March! Be surprised or shocked or indifferent, damn it. Even if don’t listen to the scientists who care enough to warn us, we should feel in our bones — that there is something seriously wrong with our overwhelmingly cold-hearted monetized world, where Mother Earth pays the cost under duress.
Many are confirming that the human race and its notions of being civilized are heading towards a collapse which we’ll not forget in a hurry, if some of us survive to tell the story. Some members of the scientific community are doing is best to wake us, we, the people. Jessica Corbett in an article listed on EcoWatch says that at least 17 scientists have written a comprehensive assessment of the current state of our planet and what kind of future is unfolding before us vis-à-vis loss of biodiversity, climate disruptions, mindless gaguantan human consumption and last but not least of all and in fact it should come first – population growth at the heart of it.
What to do about population growth? Kill it off with planned pandemics and vaccination drives (oh yes, many folk are dying because they are reacting fatally to vaccination, we just don’t get to read the alarming statistics because they are hushed up).
Paul R Ehrlich of Stanford University’s Center for Conservation Biology who raised the alarm about overpopulating our finite earth for a decade has told us on a platform called Common Dreams that we should be “all scared” about what kind of future we’re heading into in the near and not so near future if there’s one.
Unfortunately, the observation is made that scientists haven’t learnt how to communicate to human beings! As far back as 1988 James Hansen a professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute and former director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to the America’s Congress about the climate crisis the world is walking into…courtesy our gross and vulgar unsustainable lifestyles of plenty. Is it too late to do anything about it?
The predicted ghastly future is one of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals (including looming massive migrations), and resource conflicts. There is much more on the challenges of creating a sustainable future beginning today but I’ll skip it here with just the comment that in our small little green Goa the government and powers that be should stop behaving like men and women blinded by the power of tinkling money in their bank accounts and palatial homes.
Money will not call the shots when even the air, water and earth become so monetized and contaminated that living itself will be a daily torment. Think about all this my friends and make up your mind to help one another to live sustainably and with discipline for your own sake and your children. If nothing else start by becoming farmers full time or part time and next, be generous, help one another in all the ways you can. So that even Mother Earth takes a bow and forgives us our sins of omission and commission!

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