The Supreme Court on Thursday told High Court to be more sensitive to women victims of sexual harassment and molestation. The SC itself asked an accused whether he would marry the survival. But subsequently the SC reversed its own order and claimed that it was misquoted.
Squashing a judgement by the Madhaya Pradesh High Court which granted bail to molesters on condition that he tied a rakhi on his victim turning him into a brother “This is wholly unacceptable and has the effect of diluting and eroving the office of sexual harassment”.
The Supreme Court has directed the courts to be careful in their statements and not ask irrelevant questions. Giving examples pointed that HCs had asked victims if in the past they had consented to such or similar acts to suggest that she was promiscuously. The SC also asked courts not to make comments on the clothes worn by the victim or suggest that the action was provoked by the clothes she was wearing. One of the governments in the BJP ruled states have banned women wearing ripping jeans. The Chief Minister of the state even commented that such women provoke acts of molestation. The SC has also asked the HCs not to claim that the act of molestation was provoked by the behavior of the victim which was contrary to that of Bharat Nari. The SC has directed courts not to engage in sterrotyping views which will condoned or diminish the harm caused by the accused by asking the parties to explore mediation and letting off the accuse with punishments like tendering apology or engaging in community services.



A popular restaurant Ritz Classic on 18 June road Panaji was sealed on Thursday after many visitors tested positive. The order was issued by the district collector Ajit Roy after the Health officer of the Panaji Urban Health Center reported a large number of cases detective from visitors to the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant had a different story claiming it was not passenger but waiters were tested positive. The owner even claim that the hotel was closed for renovation. This dramatists that the large influx of tourist is contributing to a steep hike in Covid-19 cases. In the past eight days the average daily cases of Covid-19 has been 92. Panaji alone reported 92 new cases on Thursday. The number of active cases has risen to 860. The Chief Minister however is still not willing to put curbs on tourists.

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