You should worry more about the taxi driver infecting you with covid then about digital meters and then looting they engage in. For over a week hundreds of taxi drivers were protesting demanding the ban on app based taxi services Goa miles. No body in the government or the RTO asked them to maintain physical distance. Or ask them if they have got themselves tested. Next time you step into a cab whether it is Goa Miles or Goa loot demand to see Covid-19 negative certificate.

You have to eat to live and therefore you have no choice but to visit the market. The aam adami goes to the Panaji market to buy his vegetables, fruits and even provisions. The Khass adami goes to the supermarkets like Tintos, magsons and Delfinos which has shifted to Taleigao except for the owner of Magsons, Kirit Maganlal none of the other super markets and the caculo Mall were able to produce the covid-19 negative certificate even of the watchman who test everyone who comes in with a thermal scanner. I am aware that atleast one of the sales persons who work both in Tintos and Delfinos does not have covid-19 negative certificates.

Since both Maharashtra and Karnataka has impose curbs on people from outside Goa is the only option for migrant labor. The trains at Karmali are still full of labors from Bihar and Orrisa and Swami Aditiyanaths UP. For some reason most of the watchman are from Orissa and the Barbers from UP and the manual labors are from UP. The labor from Karnataka and Maharashtra cannot move out of their home state s because of the lockdowns there.

It is not only big builders but even the munkars and the tenants who welcome migrants with open arms. They build tiny little rooms and rent them out for an average of Rs 5000. Not surprisingly they are not worried if their tenants are covid-19 positive. Nobody offcourse registers the names of migrants with the police station at their requirement.

It is not that the migrants are not aware that they could get covid. Unfortunately nobody takes the responsibility to guide them and take them to the covid centres for testing. Not even the Badsha of migrant workers Babush Monseratte. He is not worried as even those with covid are permitted to vote during the last one hours.

Meanwhile the Kumbh mela has been suspended and even hardcore RSS boss Amit Shah has admitted that the Kumbh mela has been a major factor in the huge increase in the number of covid-19 positives. The national figures for covid-19 touched a new hike of 2.6 lakh cases on Sunday 18 April with over 1500 deaths. The increase in the last three weeks has been very rapid. On March 24 the number of covid-19 positive cases has come down to50,000 cases. It took only 11 days for it to double to one lakh. Between April 4 and April 17 it went up to 2.5 lakhs. The seven day rolling average of daily cases crossed 2 lakhs on Saturday. Daily deaths from the virus are rising sharply with fatalities climbing to 1,500 in just four days crossing the thousand mark on Sunday. CM remained adamant on holding the SSC and HSSC exams offline in the class on April 24. There will be volunteers to ensure physical distance between students and thermal scanning will be done.

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