COVID-19 VICTIM: Popular, iconic Dr K K Aggarwal who conducted an online covid-19 consultation for over a year an a half succumbed to the infection himself at the age of 62, after taking his two tikka (vaccines). He passed away on May 17, 2021 at AIIMS

— Delhi’s Dr KK AGGARWAL, cardiologist extraordinary

FUNNY or not funny. These are truly mysterious and menacing Covid-19 times! But it barely a month ago that that while fluttering through Facebook I discovered the very engaging online educational program hosted by Dr K K Aggarwal of Delhi. Into a year-a-half with the program I thought this remarkable doctor was doing excellent covid education-cum-treatment program, learned that it was attracting over 26.7K followers.
And to think that there I was who discovered him only so recently, on the eve of his passing away as it were, and determined to catch up with him some more at leisure…(sigh)…life is like that only. It takes away more inspiration to live than it gives as the years go by, my dears. Anyway, I’m happy that I managed to catch a few of this Dr Aggarwal’s online half-hour talks and getting more and more charmed by the human being he came across as, at the same I got educated some more about the corona virus – all courtesy a good doctor I’d just met virtually.
The more I listened the more I realize he is justly some kind of an iconic doctor from mainstream medicine, later learned he’s also steeped in Indian mythological lore! Never mind about all that now, I still have to learn so much more about this just gone with the wind 62-year-old good-humored Dr Aggarwal, and was quite shocked when in recent program he confessed to all on line that alas, although he had taken his two “tikka” shots of Covishield he was now down with the infection himself…but not to worry, he would be fine, “the show must go on, I will be back soon.”
THEN came the news yesterday as on Monday, May 17, 2021, that the good Dr K K Aggarwal had passed on, gone with the wind at the AIIMS in New Delhi where for over a week on ventilator he had been fighting a “lengthy battle with Covid-19.” The battle ended at about 11.30am that Monday and naturally there was grief all around as family, colleagues, friends and patients past and present began to let the news filter in, like his words are still ringing in their ears as he had expressed a wish for no mourning, “the show must go on, celebrate me but no mourning.” Something like, one of his final messages going out to all brushed by his presence by word or deed.
TRIBUTES are pouring in on his FB site and I feel somewhat shattered too, my dears, although I caught this fine doctor only about a month ago online and was getting engaged with his constant advice to his patients about this, that and this. Crisp sessions cutting down to the quick bottom line as patient after patient listed their covid queries: He would listen and his running prescription would be don’t worry, take this and this; it’s mild covid infection, you won’t die; how is fever? What your RT PCR report say… D-Dimer? CRP? Oxygen level, CT scan? Finally, some useful advice to visit your doctor or it is severe covid — go hospital straight away! Fascinating, how Dr KK Aggarwal interfaced with his patients online, down to earth, kindly, professional to the core.
I was impressed, my dears, oh, for more doctors like this Dr KK! When I heard about his “6 minute test” which he introduced his patients to check severity of lung function, I was enthralled and decided to do it too, trotting off on a walk of more than six minutes and returning 43 steps up huffing and panting! No, I’m not a covid patient but very definitely a heart patient who doesn’t believe in mainstream drug medicines because they look so seductively ugly…I mean, how can I pop a ghastly scarlet looking Ecosprin day in and day out? If there is a natural option, let me know.
BUT this is about the good Dr K K Aggarwal now gone with the wind. I cannot catch up with him as in alive and kicking no more. Blessings with my favorite harshingar flowers for this doctor! He deserves it all and from the sound of what all I’ve been reading Dr K K Aggrwal wore his awards and honors with grace: He was a senior physician who reached out to all patients in and out of his clinic and online. He’s got the Padma Shri, also the much respected Dr BC Roy National Award, he was president of the Confederation of Medical Associations in Asia and Oceania and HCFI, much else.
I can’t think of too many doctors in recent times who so practically dedicated their life to the welfare of the public and raising health awareness not just about Covid-19 but also other aspects of body beautiful, including the heart. He was a cardiologist who knew the heart inside out…wish I could have chatted with him! Reports say his online consultations and guidelines touched over 100 million people. Do catch up with his numerous videos and educational programs if you feel like it. I dare say many patients worship this good doctor and tributes pouring in fleeting mention how he saved someone’s life. One fan rues that Dr Aggarwal was a victim of the “fucking Chinese virus.”
Tributes can make for some very interesting as disquieting reading. There are also some interesting connections to make note of: Perhaps there should be a longer gap of six plus more weeks before the second shot of vaccine for Covide-19 is given? One tribute notes, Dr KK took his first shot on January 26, and his second one may be four weeks later, was it too soon? The eminent cardiologist had comorbidities he was aware of: He suffered from a “chronic autoimmune disease, also pulmonary embolism.”
THIS is to say goodbye dear Dr KK Aggarwal, and yes, his family as all of us who knew him and even knew of him, must celebrate the man as he wanted us to do. Never mourn, for so much of mourning is fake! In any case, we must not mourn good guys, we must celebrate them with mixtures of grief and good memories; and in this case also in the annuls of medical history as it moves on through good times and bad times…even these terrible bad covid-19 times.

SAYS our friend Peter Singh of Dona Paula, an aquaponics farmer:
“Best is home treatment! We treated our people in Delhi well on karha and a mix of home remedies to do with Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurveda together…we have a karha or kadha which is my grandmother’s recipe. We have it every day. It’s an infusion for coughs and colds.
Take 1 inch piece adrak (ginger), half tsp saunf (fennel), 2 elaichi (cardamom); 1 bit piece stick dalchini (cinnamon), 2 to 3 leaves of fresh leaf tulsi, 2 laung (cloves), 6 black kali miri (black peppercorns), 2 pieces pipli, 1 inch mulethi.
Bring to a boil in 1 liter water, lower heat, simmer for 10 minute. Strain out into a cup and sip like tea. Can re-heat and strain out more as per requirement throughout the day. One cup at a time! Take first thing in the morning, after lunch, last thing at night. We have been having it every day ever since covid started.
Peter also recommends steam inhalation, yogic breathing, breath in counting 8…at the end breathe in deeply and fill your lungs, pushing your stomach out to fill the lower part of your lungs. Hold for a count of 4. Breath out counting 8, at the end push with your stomach muscles emptying your lungs completely. Hold counting till 4 with your lungs empty. Then repeat. Continue for 5 minutes. If you can’t do 8-4-8-4 initially do 4-2-4-2. Then keep increasing the counts till you do 8-4-8-4.
Other tips: Gargle with organic haldi and salt after every meal. Half tsp each in a glass of warm water. Twice a day drink half tsp of haldi in warm milk. Once in the morning, once before bedtime.
If you have a sore throat or cough take ginger juice, mix with little fresh coarsely ground black pepper, hold it in your mouth and allow to trickle slowly down your throat. Three times a day after meals. Then don’t eat or drink anything for an hour.
Drink only room temperature or lukewarm water with juice of one lemon in one bottle of water.
A doctor recommended vitamin C 500 g twice daily, Zincovit once daily, Becosule once daily, vitamin D once a week. Also sitting in the sun for a few minutes during the early part of the day.
FINALLY, The Symptoms of Inner Peace are:
• Frequent attacks of Smiling
• Frequent overwhelming episodes of Appreciation
• Loss of interest in Judging other people
• Loss of ability to Worry
• Tendency to act based on Hope rather than on fear
• Ability to Enjoy each moment
• Ability to give and receive Love (in spite of life’s problems)
• Sharing whatever little you have with people having less in life.
If symptoms persist, just thank God!”
That’s a lot to share, thank you Peter!
AND the times are very bad nowadays, my friends, do some monsoon cleaning of mind and body, heart and soul and perhaps there’s hope for our civilization of power and pelf, control and slavery in more sophisticated forms…but that’s what I am thinking, okay.
On that note it’s avjo, poiteverem, selamat datang, au revoir, arrivedecci and vachun yetta here for now!

— Mme Butterfly

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