At BRAIN VASZILY’s ANTI-AGING & LONGEVITY WEBINAR… some 22 wellness conscious doctors and researchers were interviewed by super coach Brian Vaszily. If you want to listen to them you will have to get the online package of transcriptions.

By Tara Narayan

FOOD for thought this week! When did you last think of it? How to live long and well? That is, without making others in your life unwell so that they die off sooner rather than later! It seems to me that nowadays even in urban India most of us who’re thinking and over-thinking people, are engaged in finding ways and means to live in harmony with ourselves personally as well as with others. Although, of course, oftentimes it is others be damned.
This is to say, hey, I’m increasingly getting carried away by what all these folk researching away like eager beavers are saying out there in the countries of the West as in US of A — they too are seeking and more so than us, healthier, happier lifestyles. Perhaps akin to ours in the old days of our parents and grandparents when there were few material comforts, lots more comforts of the mind.
Specifically, this week I’ve been listening to some of this irresistible cheering stuff coming out about how to live long and not only long but also healthy. Like nobody wants to live long if they’re unhealthy! Much of today’s alternate ways to be healthy, fit and fine up there and down, is about clean air, clean water, clean food which successive governments arrogantly want to give you free – but only if you vote for them! Like they have appropriated the rights of Mother Earth while we, the people, are their supply chain to living off the public treasury forever after.
NEVER mind all that. This week may I introduce you to the honorable health coach Brian Vaszily and his seven-day The Art of Anti-Aging Summit happening online all of seven days (final Day 7 is over). I couldn’t listen from dawn to dusk or so to speak but in bits and pieces I got mesmerized by tidbits of observations coming from a host of 22 speakers, mainstream and alternate health practitioners, many of whom are authors who have done some invaluable research to tell us why we suffer so much from what are called the degenerative, lifestyle or civilisation diseases (cardio-vascular disruptions, diabetes, hypertension, all the cancers, dementia is becoming a matter of much concern nowadays). It is no longer news that it is the ways in which eat and drink and feel and think and behave which is taking a toll of our brains! We are a stressed out people with anxieties and worries about how to solve our immediate problems of a material or immaterial nature constantly.
Why, why, why? Reportedly, 95% of people may not have a clue or even the time and resources to make the changes desirable to live long and fighting fit healthy and happy – but ah, there is the five percent terribly interested! And I’m just a curiosity cat and therefore I am interested even though I’m stuck in the routine rut of living today so that tomorrow never comes or something like that.

BUT seriously, this is to say more and more evidence is coming up to urge us to switch over to feeling, thinking positively no matter what, begin and end every day with gratitude in your heart… think of our body as an echo of millions of years (just quoting someone from the aforementioned summit talks I’ve been listening to off and on) And that when we eat all the meaty stuff we’re actually eating death? What a wonderful way to put it, so precisely. So, the idea is we should switch over to a plant-based lifestyle, the main meal of the day being a platter of salad goodies “fresh and vital.”
The well researched narrative coming up again and again is if we can keep our “microbiome” (stomach, small intestines, colon, the entire digestive system) happy, most health problems get resolved routinely. But how to get there, therein lies the catch and hard work, it’s not like one may pop a few pills and hey presto, magic will happen. Magic doesn’t happen like that, it’s a lot of disciplined hard work and convincing and the eloquent Brian Vaszily’s The Art of Anti-Aging’ summit is about all that. Quite a few such webinars are going on currently online.
It’s all about the toxins real and unreal which we are surrounded by given our super lifestyles of use and abuse all around. Toxins wait to catch us everywhere or so it would seem but from the sound of it where they’re getting more and more toxic is in our sacred life-giving primaries of air, water and food (the square one of any lifestyle change you want to make)….who doesn’t want to live happy and healthy as opposed to unhappy and unhealthy?
Most of the answers are in the quality of air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, and that is speaking materially only which goes into the making of whatever we define as immaterial. More of concern for the material influences the immaterial and vice versa. Body beautiful in toto is so integral and we live in blissful ignorance to suffer the consequences.
ONE of the summit speakers, I forget who (I’m sorry, it’s too much wading through some of the notes I scratched down on paper to find the name) tells us how we should not wear out footwear into the house for that’s where maximum pathogens are (even e-coli)! So take care of your footwear and don’t wear walk in from the outdoors when you come home, it also means one must keep one’s floors squeaky clean, work harder.
Another speaker who’s an expert on the nervous system found out that a client of hers who was complaining of a constant cough – was treating herself to a whole host of these scented candles in her room hoping to reap peace of mind. It’s the candle smoke she was breathing in which was toxic! She was told, get rid of the candles, and in a few days her coughing ceased.

So you see here are the fine ironies of the things we may be doing or not doing to reap wellbeing – given all the wellbeing promotions in the market nowadays they may well be the cause of feeling sick constantly. Of course, we may not sanitize ourselves to doomsday; our immune system is too powerful and can take care of us providing we’re on the straight and narrow of sensibility, discipline and feel good, think good mode most times.
There was a fascinating talk by pioneering MD Dr Michael Klaper who tells us variety is the spice of life and we must keep our microbiome healthy enough so that we may live dancing! Most of us have a messed up microbiome (digestive system). Other tips: the importance being in touch with Mother Earth, walk barefoot please, the earth grounding is good for wellbeing. The estrogen narrative is a big issue as we grow old but need not feel like we’re old!
Dr Klaper said, “Motion is life!” So keep moving, don’t let your drainage systems in body beautiful stagnate; another thing, “The fountain of youth is happening in our body, de-tox well, keep bio-ducts clean and for this the top key is movement.” All things being equal it is also the lack of enough movement which eventually catches up with the stagnation of the brains and this is when brain fog, headaches, difficulty in getting up in the morning happens….get your lymphatic or drainage system of the body moving and we would do better in the middle and golden years of our life!
Health is all about a healthy liver, pancreas, bile ducts…keep their drainage pathways clean but first you must know how to do that. Even the doctors of mainstream Allopathy can’t tell you this, it’s not easy. Read up some of the books being written on the subject of future preventive health systems which are being researched and marginalizing the mainstream drug treatments of today. The human body is endlessly fascinating in that it is such a thing of evolved beauty, we just screw it up most times because we don’t take time off to study, understand, respect it vis-a-vis what it needs, wants, is greedy for. Something like that.
Don’t believe all this nonsense of forgetting as part of the ageing process. How often we are told that by some well- meaning doctor, don’t worry, it’s all part of growing old, accept it. All this and more: the heart is more a rhythm conductor…it’s all to do with electron charges when we walk on the floor, touch one another, think well of one another although sometimes it may be so difficult. It’s about getting back to basics, hydrating adequately (do you know that as we grow older we forget to drink water), getting our feet back on the ground – enjoying the sunshine and also eating passion fruit and peaches.
THE key to health happily ever after is to optimize energy – the better our body de-toxes, the more we enjoy optimal energy which is produced in the engines of the body, the mitochondria in our trillions of cells. Mitochondria manufactures our energy currency! Everything slows down with our liver. The liver is the primary index of wellbeing. Think of all those folks seeking liver transplants these days.
The bottom-line of all these absolutely enlightening speakers at Brian Vaszily’s The Art of Anti-Aging Summit is of course, where to begin. Begin with your mindset, work on it, says Dr Ryan Wohlfert (expert on “broken brain” or “leaky brain” and the dementia diseases as we call them). He says we all experience life differently and have our unconscious stories and narratives which drive us, we have to fix that first to be at peace with our internal beliefs based on experience, influencers, perceptions, expectations, “Getting old sucks, we all grow old but we don’t have to grow old! Establish a health mindset, the body always to change, to improve.”
So I hope I have given enough food for thought this week here. By all means catch up with Brian Vaszily’s summit talks. They’re all gems of discovery.
Get familiar with all the names listed. Some of them apart from Dr Michael Klaper are Beth Greer (`Super Natural Mom’ fame, she knows all about toxic free living), there’s longevity investor and visionary Sergey Young, neuro scientist Susan Pierce Thompson, Dr Ryan Whulfert, Stacie Aamon Yeldell (careative arts healaing), Nick Polizzi (ancient medicine researcher and filmmaker)…and many more. Not to forget Brian Vaszily himself, insightful health coach who put this summit together over a year’s hard work with so much grace and sense of humor, a family man, he says he is most grateful for his children!
All the speakers are a goldmine of life-changing information coming from dedicated observation and research, most are authors of books you want to read, many are mainstream Allopathy practitioners along with alternate amalgamated health practices which are no sneezing matter. The more knowledge, the freer we are to choose and choose in our own better interests.
I leave you with this quote which I propose to make my mantra, make it yours too: “My day begins and ends with gratitude.” It is a Louise Hay quote (read her books including “The Joy Inner Peace”). And another quote I picked up to remember, a Japanese proverb really: “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Cheers to that!

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