FOOD REVOLUTION SUMMIT 2022 …from April 25 to 30, best and best organized webinar on the subject of cutting edge healthcare for today and tomorrow! Here are the participants, many of them from mainstream medicine advocating and researching alternate medicine and therapy choices.

By Tara Narayan

HERE is a veritable smorgasbord of food for the mind and body, heart and soul! The whole of this week beginning April 23 to May 1 I wanted to shove aside everything and listen in to all these interviews — with some of the most engaging doctors and real researchers of our times. I’m referring to a series of interviews and much else are put together by the dynamic duo of John and son Ocean Robbins – over their Food Revolution Summit 2022 broadcast all the way from California.
The broadcasts around the world via internet are so well organized and mind-boggling, vis-à-vis the latest research and first person testimonies on the subject of people suffering needlessly, from health issues familiar to all of us – and how they have succeeded in freeing themselves. Courtesy the oldest ideas of them all enshrined in Naturopathy (as also Allopathy once upon a time) — that food can heal, that food is medicine (Father of Modern Medicine, the Greek physician Hippocrates, said it). What we put in our from morning to night day in and day out is what keeps us fighting fit and happy, or unhappy, forever sick and searching for relief or goodbye, cruel world!
As John Robbins (the man who walked out his father’s Baskin Robbins ice-cream empire, he’s so famous okay, go check him out, he is the author of “Diet for a New America” published in 1987 and much more) keeps reiterating in various gentle ways: We have become a hugely sick society the world over. We’re constantly playing into the hands of an ever growing food industry happy to keep us addicted to its sickening industrial junk foods. John is convinced the food industry creates foods to keep us addicted to eating foods which do us no good, we are being engineered (by food and pharmaceutical industries) all the time and perennially to live in the medical and hospital industries mercies.

FROM AMERICA WITH LOVE! Best-selling health food writer John Robbins and son Ocean Robbins, hosting the Food Revolution Summit and running FRS Network for some many years now. Hundreds of thousands of people, fans, admirers, fellow fraternity around the world have joined the movement for a healthier world, not addicted to the food, pharmaceutical and hospital industries! FRS followers believe in the efficacy of better eating, better drinking, better relationships with all life on earth — including human life.

John Robbins also has the most enormous respect for doctors of both mainstream medicine who are also alternate medicine and healthcare practitioners. Many are now pushing for integrated medicine in the countries of the west in bona fide and legal ways and have incredible research to show the way – that if we want to live and want mother earth to live we better switch over to a wholegrain plant diet (or at least the Mediterranean diet).
I FEEL sad that it is at life’s end that I’m listening to this panel of doctors, most of them MDs who’ve achieved some incredible breakthroughs in their own personal lives, and authored several books. The information they’re putting out about how to care for mind and body, heart and soul is so tempting and inviting — if only one could swing it in one’s own life! How often I have tried and failed, it’s like in theory I know so much but in practice I go for a toss every time and am unable to even take care of my own crock heart!
The summit from April 23 to April 30 is packed with the 50-minute interviews by John Robbins, followed by Ocean Robbins summing up and dealing with questions and answers and very often confessing, “I am in tears today!” There’s an empowerment package one may buy at discounted rates. Each day’s interviews are relayed live and replayed again so that one may catch them in the space of 21 hours (to make up for world time differences).
Over and over again we hear of how our common degenerative diseases are interlinked and all may be cured – if only we can make it our business to switch over to a whole grain plant-based diet! I rather liked the talk with Monica Aggarwal, MD, who spoke on “The Inflammation Solution.” A mother of three, she told John Robbins, that she was stricken by debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and it felt like walking on glass. So instead of turning into a whining, embittered patient and being a doctor in Florida, she went all out to find out all the research on what ailed her and yes, much of it was due a fast paced doctor’s lifestyle of little sleep, three children to bring up, bad nutrition sense. She was lucky, someone guided her into improving her eating habits and soon she was out of her painful miseries and on to a healthier quality of life.
HERE are some favourite doctors of medicine from the USA. Dr Joel Fuhrman (MD) shares the top foods we may eat daily if we want to exceed average lifespan and enjoy it disease free, and enjoy youthful vitality in our 80s, 90s and beyond! To use Ocean Robbins’ words, brilliant Kristi Funk delivered a powerful message as she shared her top five cancer-kicking foods, four lifestyle habits to adopt immediately. Dr David Perlmutter shared links between uric acid and weight loss, blood sugar balance and how long (and how well) we live. Specific foods influence uric acid levels and the truth about coffee, alcohol, nuts and seeds.
Then there is Dr Neal Barnard with his “Plant-based Protection” (he is the president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and the author of 20 books on nutrition, seriously, listen to him and you may liberate yourself from whatever ails you). If there is one interview you want to listen to, it is this one.

The mantra over and over again is switch over to a wholegrain plant-based eating pattern if you want to live (which reminds of what the young Ayurveda vaid Vinayak of Sarth Ayurveda Wellness Retreat in Sawantwadi told me recently, “No butter, no oil, no fat, no sugar, little salt…if you want to live some more!”) This is to say all or many of the Robbins’ 2022 Food Revolution Summit talks are worth listening to over and over again until memorized and incorporated in our own individual lives.
Here is much to learn of how we live to kill Mother Earth and why we must change if we love Her and care enough about life on earth and the grim future unfolding before us…we learn that diseases come to change us and not to kill us, slowly or speedily like Speedy Gonsalves (remember the song Speedy Consalves)!
John Robbins’ interview with Dr Dean Ornish (another famous doctor from the West) is arguably my favourite. The good doctor says suffering can be the doorway to change and disease prevention and it is really low-cost. You don’t need oodles of money to be disease free. He says stress less, love more, support groups with a sense of community feeling, “love and connections are very important to reap joy in life. Diet is important but just part of our overall package….”
Hey, a change in eating habits can prevent even Alzeimer’s disease which is huge in Western societies today and worry many families. Research is going on and studies done reveal that better nutrition can make a difference for the better for patients. Put such things as beans, grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds…eat salads and foods with onions, mushrooms, veggies, turmeric, greens in them. If you’re a heart patient remember the red fruits of pomegranates, carrots, beetroots, water melons, and garlic, also cinnamon, ginger on a daily basis! Instead of chocolate, go for coaoa!
Dr Dean Ornish points out that the overwhelming presence of many diseases can be resolved, because many of our chronic of diseases masquerade as different ones, but are actually related! And there is one solution for all. What good for the heart is also good for your lungs, choose to eat foods good for body and earth!” Needless to say I love that bit of sentiment.
In his own life in the last 40 years, this good doctor quipped, he has done everything he should do and will have “no regrets on my death bed!” Do it now, prevent and reverse disease, sometimes just changing our ways of eating can make a huge difference, take the options available. Finally, to reiterate what most of the MDs in the series of interviews endorse, is that we are a sick society big-time. Primarily because of obesity (courtesy our killer food industry), “Why do we eat so much? The real pain is the obesity pandemic, food fills voids, fat numbs pain…obesity is the real scourge.” Catch up with Dr Dean Ornish today if you want to live happier! It is indeed, all about what we put in our mouth (and mind and body, heart and soul).
ALL this and much more talk about our insides on fire all the time because of inflammation markers going haywire, gene expression, telomeres (which cap our chromosomes) and how they grow longer or shorter depending on our lifestyles…the quality of the production of nitric oxide which is also a very important marker of health parameters. Do you know we first start in our blood vessels, the capillaries and arteries (a GMC doctor, Dr Jagdish Kakodkar I think, once showed me a piece of concretised artery he had removed from a dead patient’s body and the memory still spooks me). Do you know that the body first manifests heart disease in…er…the male penis (for men)? I suppose that’s why so many men are so obsessed by their regeneration organ!
ALONG with the mind-boggling and heart-warming interviews by John Robbins there is a section of recipe demo videos — where Nichole Dandrea-Russert (RDN) shares various recipes worth learning, although they’re a bit biased on Western culinary cooking styles and ingredients easily available out there. One of these days I want to do creamy kale pineapple smoothie, everyday lentil lunch, cheesy rice bean and vegetable casserole and lemon coconut chai pudding!
The Food Revolution Summit interviews and other information is the best I have ever come across, make time and have the patience to listen to all of them if you want to cheer up your life and resolve your health problems on your own or with some help, my dears. Sometimes I feel so many of us just live in our own pile of…er…shit, or worse still in other people’s piles of shit — feeling falsely secure!. At least in one’s own pile of shit one can do something about it if one wants to!
All this is to say the Robbins’ Food Revolution Summit, 2022 – is the best series of interviews and talks put together, and offer a lot of take home insight the lifestyles we live to or our detriment or betterment. For me the dilemma is how to go about putting into practice at least some of what I’ve been listening to …if I want to live.

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