THE Central BJP leaders after coming under fire from several Muslim countries are now cunningly/temporarily expelling their sweet former national spokesperson, Nupur Sharma and Delhi unit media head Naveen Kumar Jindal — for making derogatory remarks about Prophet Mohammad, by merely issuing a statement that the government does not agree with the views!
The Central leaders, who are otherwise known for swiftly arresting innocent people (including writers, thinkers, social activists, etc), under serious charges of sedition and sometimes for merely criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, have surprisingly not bothered to get the two leaders expelled for making irresponsible comments against Prophet Mohammad, why?
It’s because the BJP is becoming a rabid communal political party and is historically well-known for recruiting hate-spreading leaders in most states with an RSS background, giving them fast promotions by elevating/appointing them as chief spokespersons/state presidents and later turning them into national heroes and sending them to Parliament.
The BJP should realize that the more they try to protect/promote hate-spreading leaders in their party, it will invite more global embarrassment for the country. If they don’t bother to rectify their own political blunders/mistakes then they will be taking the country into civil war and this will be disastrous all around for the country. In the long run this country can only survive as a happy secular India. Jai Hind!
— Jerry Fernandes, Saligao

IN THE demise of Prof Carmo D’Souza we have lost an outstanding educator. As our professor at the VM Salgaocar College of Law he always made time for his students and dedicatedly guided us through the complex labyrinths of law and jurisprudence. His own life he lived very simply and never craved for the material comforts or possessions. This was his greatness.
Prof Carmo D’Souza always had a genuine smile for students. He had a passion for research and shared his wealth of knowledge. It is in the fitness of things that our former Law College Principal Marian Pinheiro has taken the initiative to perpetuate the memory of Prof Carmo D’Souza and we students should rise to the occasion and give our teacher due recognition.
May the life and works of Prof Carmo D’Souza act as a role model to all those aspiring to be teachers! Rest in peace, Sir! We will live up to your expectations and forever cherish the values you impressed on us. I was privileged to be your student.
— Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

SOUTH Goa villagers are objecting to the discharge of treated sewage in river Sal. Their reasons are valid as government units fail to function properly. Check out Sonsoddo Garbage Treatment, KTC diesel buses, PWD water – the sediment itself is above limits as also manganese — during mining operations, and even in Panaji we have had had untreated sewage entering water pipe lines! So how well treated is sewage water that we may drink the same? It is really potable?
Recently, facing acute water shortage Singapore now came out with a new beer – NewBrew — made from recycled sewage water, filtered and pumped into Singapore’s water supply. Can we do the same in Goa and pump this water to the beer factories in Goa? The beer can sold to tourists and other niche branded markets as is the case with the many urine therapies promoted by our Indian guru. Two birds with one stone! The BJP is always working for tourists. Or perhaps the recycled water may be used for hotel pools and private pools.
Beer fermentation releases carbon dioxide. A beer factory in Australia is using algae — responsible for 50% of the earth’s oxygen — to convert CO2 to oxygen and more algae. Algae are planktons inhabiting whatever oceans we still have. NIO must be more proactive to solve global warming. Goa must insist beer factories use this new technology in recycling water.
—R Fernandes, Margao

THE ODP was modified in the case of Bay View colony to permit the high-rise 8th floor building which belongs to a casino lobby! The approach road is barely five metres wide (as you can see in the photograph), the truck supplying stone material to this building has to go on reverse gear and the half the truck is within the white line. Where may other vehicles of residents here at Bay View park their vehicles?
It is clear that Town & Country Planning Minister Vishwajit Rane is being partial and by publishing his view in press, he will stick to his ODP rules. He must raze this 8th floor building if he really wants to follow the law impartially.
—Stephen Dias, Donapaula

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