FREAKING OUT: After the tension of the intense military training they have to undergo young Israelis head to Goa for rave parties!

Israel is the only country in the world where it is compulsory for both women and men to serve in the army for 24 months and 32 months respectively, on reaching the age of 21. We have seen the effect of the compulsory military training they undergo in Goa where the Israeli soldiers come to freak out after their ‘Agniveer’ stint. Israelis are allegedly among the biggest purveyers of drugs in Goa.

By The Quint

The recently announced Agnipath scheme, which involves recruitment of soldiers into the Army, Navy and Air Force on a four-year contract period, snowballed into a major controversy, with violence and arson being reported from at least 11 states.
Notably, while announcing the scheme, the Union government had said that the models from countries like Israel, United States, China, France, Russia, and Germany were taken into consideration while formulating the recruitment structure and modified according to the needs of the Indian armed forces.
Let’s take a look at how these countries recruit armed forces:

  1. United States
    The US no more follows the conscription (compulsory military service) model. However, as per law, all male American citizens aged 18-25 are required to register for selective service in the armed forces so that at the time of need, a draft can be readily prepared.
    In the US, a recruit gets enrolled for four years, and then they have to serve a four-year reserve period.
    Moreover, for the first time, the US Army is offering a “quick ship” bonus of $35,000 in all career fields for new recruits, effective from 17 June. This comes with a four-year contract.
    Additionally, the two-year enlistment option, also known as Option 26, is available for all eligible applicants.
  2. China
    China has the world’s largest military personnel and its active personnel stands at 21.80 lakh. The country spends $293 billion on its armed forces.
    For the army, conscripts have to serve for three years, while it is four years for the navy and the air force.
    For those volunteering to enter military, the terms of active service is eight years and can go up to 12 years.
  3. Israel
    The country requires every Israeli citizen over the age of 18 who is Jewish, Druze or Circassian to serve in the Israel Defense Forces.
    Once they are enlisted, males are expected to serve for a minimum of 32 months and women are expected to serve for a minimum of 24 months.
  4. Russia
    There are four military service models in Russia – conscription, contract, alternative, and state civilian service.
    The country follows a hybrid model of conscription and contract to recruit soldiers.
    For this age group, the country has enforced a mandatory 12-month conscription period in the armed forces.
    As of March 2020, the number of conscripts stood at 2,25,000 and the number of contract soldiers was 4,05,000.
  5. Germany
    Germany discontinued its compulsory military service in 2011. As of now, anyone can join voluntarily.
    The first six months are a probationary period during which either party can give notice of termination.
    One must be at least 17 years old, should have completed compulsory full-time education and have German citizenship.
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Edited By :Tejas Harad
Courtesy: Opindia

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