SHEELA SOMAIYA, retired homemaker,
No, I don’t think monarchies are relevant anymore! I know everybody loves Queen Elizabeth in the UK but look at the economy of the country, it’s in such bad shape. I don’t take an interest in the royalty anywhere anymore! Although of course everybody loved Queen Elizabeth…never mind that her crown jewels come from the British colonies of the world. It seems like a huge theft! What’s the use of all these monarchies? The British public is living in a fool’s paradise like we in India live in a fool’s paradise lapping up our Bollywood celebrities lifestyles! And then we have our politicians who think they are royalty, a different kind of royalty, look at Lalloo Yadav…look at Russia! I think monarchies traditional or political are the biggest tragedy of our world and I am sure there will be another world war soon to fill up their bank accounts.