ALL domestic flights or domestic airline to domestic destinations from 6am in the morning to 12pm at noon will be diverted from Dabolim to Mopa. The bulk of flights from airports in the country come in the morning hours as it permits business passengers to visit a city and return the same day. More than 70% of domestic flights from Dabolim will now be diverted to Mopa. Indigo has already announced 12 flights a day from Mopa from January 15, 2023. Dabolim’s fate is left to be seen.
NARENDRA Modi and BJP may be able to induce MLAs to defect as in Goa or buy MLAs for Rs100 crore each in Telangana, but monetary inducements don’t seem to have worked in Arvind Kejriwal’s Delhi. After ousting the BJP from the State government in Delhi, the resilient Aam Aadmi party (AAP) has now ended the 15-year-rule of BJP over the Delhi Municipal Corporation. This proves that integrity and genuine public service can overcome the dirty tricks of the BJP.
ACCORDING to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), the State of Goa has a very high unemployment rate of 13%. According to Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant this is primarily because of a lack of institutions imparting employable skills. While the government is obsessed with institutions of higher level, it is ignoring crucial skilling centres. A dramatic example is that while Goa has a very big dental college, it does not have a single institute which imparts education in dental technology. The majority of dentists send their dental work orders to Mumbai or Kolhapur.
Similarly, there are not enough training centres for skilled attendants. While the demand for medical attendants is zooming to the extent of its cost being Rs1,000 a day to get untrained and unskilled medical attendant, excepting for Caritas with a capacity of 30 seats there is no medical attendants institute in Goa.
IF a student cannot do well in the academic year even at the secondary level, the solution is not to send him to work. The problem is that we do not have a system for testing the aptitudes of students. The student who may not be good in traditional subjects like physics, chemistry, Maths and languages may have technical skills. Such as the ability to repair mobile phones. There are dozens of people at the market who repair your mobile phones at a much lower cost than the showrooms. What we need to do is to match the skills with the training.
INSTEAD of travelling around the country causing inconvenience to the local people like in Goa, Prime Minister Narendra Modi may as well inaugurate every project virtually. As it is while in Goa attending the AYUSH mega conference, Prime Minister Modi is virtually inaugurating a Unani College in Agra, a homoeopathic college in New Delhi. Everywhere Modi goes he, in addition to addressing local functions, virtually inaugurates several lakh crore worth of projects. The only problem is that nobody knows what happens to all his inspired projects later on.
THE long pending issue of potholes has finally landed in the high court. Besides the Atal Sethu which has the maximum number of potholes in Goa, several arterial roads in Panaji like 18 June road and the Dayanand Bandodkar road, even the St Inez roads are full of potholes. In honor of Narendra Modi, the Caculo Mall road, Campal Parade ground road and St Inez areas, near Haji Ali road, are closed due to repair work going on indefinitely. Prime Minister Modi should visit these areas to get an idea of how golden Goa is as a tourism state.
HUGE amounts of money have been spent on promoting and show-casing alternative medicine like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha, etc. Every few months some conference or another is held around the country telling people to return to traditional healthcare systems. But the bitter ground reality is that at least in urban area few go to Ayurveda or Homeopath doctors who are graduates working as resident doctors in the Allopathic hospitals. The majority of resident doctors even in the Manipal and Healthway hospitals are Ayurveda graduates.