Om Shanti Heera-ba!
Prime Minister Narendra Modi participating in last rites of farewell for his mother in capital of Gujarat, Gandhinagar….. Heera-ba was 99 going on 100 years and passed on in the early hours of Friday, December 30, 2022.


THE authorities are duty bound to stringently enforce every law without fear or favour. But sadly this has not been happening in Goa and the burden is on our high court to monitor the enforcement of various laws and regulations.
One such issue that the high court has been monitoring is of all those Illegal hoardings along the national highways and state highways. Despite various warnings the authorities have been conveniently playing truant by sleeping on the issue, while the hoardings erected in contravention of law are a distraction to motorists and the cause of many accidents.
Posters and billboards on electric poles across our cities are also a hindrance and should be all removed as they also divert the attention of the motorists. The authorities need to also take action against the nuisance of banners and posters put up at roundabouts in our cities. They obstruct the view of motorists who need a clear unhindered view of traffic on the roads and streets.
The law enforcement machinery should enforce the law with all due diligence and not expect the high court to monitor the situation because the authorities are failing to do their bounden duties. Stern action should be taken against officials who abdicate their responsibility and don’t enforce the law for political or pecuniary reasons.
Hope to see some positive action in 2023..
—Dilip Naik, President, GRSF, Goa

THE Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly Ramesh Tawadkar owes an unconditional apology to the people of Goa for his total mismanagement and unlawful partisan handling of Goa’s Legislature Secretariat.
On becoming Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar should have severed all his ties with the BJP and at least attempted to be non-partisan and truly neutral.. On the contrary he has let loose a veil of secrecy in the functioning of the Assembly Secretariat, making it yet another RSS fortress.
Ramesh Tawadkar was duty bound to act against all those MLA car stickers which have been doled out to one and all, with now even some anti-social elements merrily moving around brandishing those stickers on the windshield of their cars. The least that was expected from the Speaker was for him to lodge a First Information Report so that the police could have investigated this widespread misuse of stickers which were meant for vehicles of MLAs only, but are now being misused by anyone and everyone. A very sad and sordid unacceptable state of affairs.
And will Ramesh Tawadkar please explain to the people of Goa as to how he is illegally moving with two police escort jeeps, a perk and privilege that a Speaker is not entitled to.
Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar should get his act together and restore sanity at the Goa Legislature Secretariat or alternatively put in his papers and go back to learning some lessons of democratic principles and good governance.
—Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

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