Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes time off to get a lesson in snorkelling in the lovely lagoon waters of the Lakshadweep Islands where he was on Thursday January 04, 2024 to study the situation of the Union Territory. he inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of multiple developemental projects worth over Rs1,150crore. He took time of to have some fun in the water (only biwi is missing)!


AS another year comes to an end it’s time to reflect.  2023 was a year for taking tough decisions including one on the domestic  front, which I did very thoughtfully and with an open mind. One must never procrastinate but must face dead on every  challenging situation in life.  

To lay to rest that controversy on whether my Birth was registered in Portugal, on 8th May I travelled to Lisbon and after the authorities confirmed, I decided to opt for a Portuguese Passport and completed all the required formalities in Lisbon in accordance with law. On my return to Goa on 17th June I promptly complied with all the formalities here including the application for OCI. More so as an officer of the Court, it has always been my endeavour to never be in breach of any law.  

So, from 2024 I will be functioning from Goa, London, and Lisbon. And now with no Visa requirement hassles it would enable me to travel at ease to various countries and interact with our fellow Goenkars. Blessed to now hopefully be a Global Goan.

2023 gave me time and an opportunity to introspect and ponder on the years gone by. Undoubtedly my outlook to life has now drastically changed, hopefully for the better, calm and composed. Reflecting on the past, I now feel I could have handled some issues and situations differently but always without fear or favour. It has been my decision to now thread the path of life confidently with an unwavering Positive Mental Attitude.

Speaking and writing less while thinking more is going to be my way Forward. And as always living life to the full, while enjoying every bit of it with care and compassion to all.

May the New Year be the canvas upon which you paint your dreams. Wishing you all a masterpiece in 2024 and may the New Year bring joy, peace, happiness to you and your loved ones.

— Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar   


On 30th December 2023 on my way back from observing the Way of the Cross, as I approached the 4th Way of the Cross that depicts Jesus meeting his mother Mary, as I stopped there, three boys began to laugh. Looking down I observed that a woman was at the First Way of the Cross depicting the condemnation of Jesus to death just opposite the Portuguese Consulate. As I approached behind her, I saw her struggling to place a Re 1 coin just below the ceramic depiction, which kept on falling. I told her to keep it gently there and she managed to place her offering. It looked like the Re 1 was all that she had. A feeling of compassion began to well in me as I began to think that this act of complete symbolism is better and acts of extravagance on the part of those who have in plenty. So as you prepare to observe the New Year 2024, it would be right on the part of those who are indulging in celebrations and revelry to praise the symbolic act of this woman who was giving Re 1, which was all that she had.

— Elvidio Miranda, Panaji

As we are ushering into the New Year, we have first and foremost thank God for gifting us with Divine Assistance with Multiple graces. This is the time when se have to stand united when the whole world is going through a bitter crisis. We have o first and foremost empower ourselves and our immediate families, loved ones and near and dear ones to stay united with the graces we receive from God. We need to stay united and give pour assistance to the unemployed and those who are disabled with different crisis we undergo in our daily lives, we need to spread the joy of salvation and let Christ’s light shine in and through us in each one’s life. In the year gone by, we have undergone different types of calamities’ that weakened us and in 20224 we have to understand and practice God’s divine mission in restoring peace in our shattered society and the world. As We wish every one a Happy New Year, we have to promise ourselves to stand all types evils of society like poverty, corruption, terrorism, Communalism, unemployment and bring hope to the suffering, the lonely and the broken heartened people who are seeking for love and attention which will enable us transform their lives to have a Happy New Year 2024. In this New Year Year we have develop ourselves and use our talents to build a just and sustainable society.
— Cajetan Peter D’Souza, Mumbai


BISHOPS of India, we members of the Alliance for Justice & Harmony humbly approach you to voice our opinion and seek an explanation on news reports received via social and print media, regarding the Christmas party at PM Modi’s residence.

We are sincerely happy for the opportunity provided by the PM for a friendly interaction with your excellencies on Christmas day in Delhi. However, we cannot conceal our deep disappointment at what transpired at the said party. The effusive praise and admiration of the PM lavished by Oswald Cardinal Gracias of Mumbai and Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi should have been accompanied by the message of the Gospel wherein Jesus upholds peace, justice and equality. That this opportunity was missed by our spiritual leaders is a matter of grave concern and sadness for us, the laity.

Your excellencies are well aware that the crisis in Manipur continues unabated, and that atrocities against the Christian Kuki Zo tribe are reported daily. How was it possible for your excellencies to enjoy the party and not make even a light reference to this very serious issue? That you did not see fit to draw attention to the suffering in Manipur is indeed distressful to us, the laity in India.

Apart from the current situation in Manipur, may we also remind your excellencies of the horrors in Gujarat in 2002, Orissa in 2008, imprisonment of 100 pastors and lay persons falsely accused of conversions, hate speeches and threats in UP, Chattisgarh and MP, and in 2022-23 alone, over 600 attacks on Christian priests, lay persons and institutions under the Anti-Conversion laws in various parts of the country.

We are certain that your excellencies too, like us, have suspected that the Christmas party was merely a smart ruse to win over your confidence, and thereby that of Indian  Christians, in preparation for the general elections due this year.

The Christian laity which looks up to your excellencies for spiritual and moral leadership has been left indignant by your failure to refer to the rampant ill-treatment of Christians. Hence, we earnestly request you that while the friendly ambience lasts, to approach the PM and unequivocally insist that the injustices in Manipur be ceased forthwith and peace restored, that Christian religious leaders, lay persons and specially Dalit Christians be protected and allowed to practise freely as per their Constitutional rights, and that the appreciation expressed by the PM for works of Christian education and social service be permitted to receive foreign aid stopped under FCRAs.

We wish to frankly inform your excellencies that our faith in your leadership has been severely damaged after the Christmas party. However, your excellencies  are in the privileged position to rectify the situation. We humbly and eagerly await your action in the right direction, for the love of Jesus and His followers.

–Alliance for Justice & Harmony, India

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