AFTER obtaining my Portuguese passport in May last year and after duly surrendering my Indian passport as required by law by following all procedures to the letter, I thought that obtaining an OCI card would have been a formality, an automatic corollary.
But to my utter dismay it has not been so. It has been a long gruelling struggle without any logical reason to obtain that OCI card which is my entitlement as per law. Despite my age now, that inborn fighting spirit for what is right has not dampened.
All I can now hope is that the Union Home Ministry (MHA) will without fear or favour act in a very fair and just manner to this little man who has had the best interests of Goa at heart by being very vocal and outspoken for the common good, but now possibly having to pay a very high price.
Though an OCI card is not the end of the world, I will pursue my undeniable right to the very end to ensure that I have not lost my right for no reason at all. Obtaining an OCI when I have acted in good faith and followed all the regulations and procedures should be a formality and not a pointless battle.
They say that patience is a virtue but with the passing of time one tends to lose patience especially when an injustice is so blatantly being carried out by an inexplicable delay, but fortunately the limits of my patience are growing otherwise.
Hope common sense and the law of natural justice that ensures fairness and reasonableness, equality and equity in decision making processes will prevail and the Ministry of Home Affairs will process my application without any further delay remembering the famous words of the late Martin Luther King Jr “A right delayed is a right denied.”
— Aires Rodrigues, London

GOA DOCTORS SEEK JUSTICE!Goa Medical College & Hospital (GMC) doctors along with the entire doctors fraternity in Goa are protesting the gruesome rape and murder of a doctor inside the KG Kar Hospital in Kolkata. Medical students took to the streets outside the GMC on Aug 16 demanding justice for the 31-year-old victim found brutally tortured, raped and killed by a police civic volunteer in the wee hours of August 9, 2024 where the doctor was on duty, studying alone in the seminar room of the hospital. Say Goa doctors, “In solidarity with our colleagues we support the pan-India protests in halting of elective services which include elective OPDs, elective OTS, ward duties, laboratory services and academic activities starting 1pm on Aug 16, 2024. All Emergency services will continue as usual but we demand speedy justice and a Central Protection Act for doctors from the government. Our protest will continue till we get this assurance from the government.” The doctors say in unity: No mercy for rapists.

DOCTORS killed in plane crash vowed to release evidence linking mRNa to cancer. Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and raising awareness of the devastating cancer epidemic spreading across the world have been found dead.
The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found in the wreckage of a plane that fell out of the sky in Brazil on Friday (Aug 9) killing all 62 people on board.
The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paulo where they were due to present their findings that mRNa and Covid-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of cancer and autoimmune diseases wreaking havoc across the world today.
The mainstream media is working hard to suppress this story on behalf of big pharma companies, but the facts are horrifying and we will not let them hide the truth.
—Darryl D’souza, Goa

IF one were to go by the example of the casinos in Goa, Sunburn should surely come through the front door, with full permissions and support, and with full confidence, and eventually become a permanent feature of the Goan landscape. Its advertising will be everywhere including the police barricades.
Aspiring politicians will stand outside Sunburn and will commit to removing Sunburn from Goa within six months of their coming into office. Ten years later Sunburn will own everything.
So it is best that the Goa Admin prepare and plan to maintain law and order (from citizens’ point of perspective by implementing Supreme Court mandated policing reforms in full letter and spirit. It’s the only way to ensure that the adverse impacts of globalized cultures are kept under control and harmless to people living in Goa.
—Mallan, Goa

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