By Rajan Narayan

AND a few stray thoughts for yet another Saturday. For a Saturday following the week when the state government launched an online lottery with a bumper price of Rs50 crore. For a Saturday following the week when the International Film Festival of India will be handed over to Bollywood. For a Saturday following the week when preparations are on for the other mega event, St Francis Xavier Exposition 2024, starting on November 21, just one day before the 55th IFFI starts in Goa. For a Saturday following the week when Goa celebrated “Vodlem Diwali’ often referred to as Tulsi Vivah. For a Saturday following the week when office bearers of the Travel & Tourism Association spoke out about the gaps in state tourism infrastructure.
AND a few stray thoughts on the state government blessing an online lottery offering a bumper win of Rs50crore. Unable to provide government jobs the state government has decided to offer the hope of Goans winning big on public lotteries. This will enable, according to a press release, even poor people to make big money quickly. The lottery will be fully technology-based online lottery. The lottery is expected to be launched on November 18 with a first draw scheduled for November 24, 2024.
However, it’s not the state government which is conducting the lottery. It has outsourced the bumper Rs50 crore online lottery to Rethi Sports in Dusane Infor Tech who will manage the lottery scheme. The marketing license has been issued by Director of Lotteries Narayan Gad. Arun Pandey, the founder of the Rethi group which is a pioneer of online lotteries, claims the bumper lottery will be give an equal opportunity to aam adami to supplement their income.
As if the aam aadmi is not already supplementing their income on matka lottery. The irony is that the poor man’s matka lottery is officially banned (even if it thrives unofficially), but the rich man’s lottery casinos are flourishing in Goa. So far only hard lottery copies have been available in the country and there have been very few online government-sponsored and guaranteed lotteries.

AND a few stray thoughts on the International Film Festival of India 2024 being handed over to the bosses of Hindi cinema or simply put, Bollywood. As in the case of film festivals the world over the Indian government too has decided to transfer the responsibility of conducting its IFFI to the Hindi film industry or Bollywood.
The process has started with the veteran film director Shekhar Kapur being appointed as the CEO for IFFI 2024. While it is desirable that IFFI should be managed by the film industry by itself it is important that it should not be dominated by a plethora of Bollywood films.
India is a diverse country and every state has a vibrant film industry. The organizers of IFFI must ensure that Tollywood, Mollywood, and all sections of regional cinema get due representation. The focus of course will be on promoting genuinely good cinema and rewarding the achievements of film directors, actors and technicians like cinematographers, sound recorders and choreographers who play key roles in the making of Indian films, the largest film industry in the world.
Although we may point out here that Indian music directors like AR Rahman and several other cinema technicians have received awards at IFFI. The IFFI this year will feature over 180 films from 81 countries, including 15 world premieres, 40 Asian premiers and 106 Indian premieres. There will be a special section on women in cinema where 46 films directed by women will be screened. The primary focus of IFFI 2024 is on young emerging voices in cinema. It is expected that 66 films made by young directors will be shown in the upcoming film festival (starting next Thursday, November 21).
The festival will begin with the Asia premiere of “Better Man” directed by Australian Michael Gracy. It is a portrait of British legendary singer Robby Williams. The Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award will go to Australian director Filipe Noyce.
In the Competition section for the Golden Peacock, there are 15 films which include 12 international and three Indian films. Besides the best film award, there will be awards for best director, best actor and a special jury price. A web series (OTT series) category has been introduced which has received 46 entries. The best web series film will get a price of Rs10 lakh.

AND a few stray thoughts on preparations for the other mega event in Goa starting in the latter half of November 2024. This famous exposition which attracts pilgrims from all walks of life starts on November 21, one day after IFFI starts on November 20. The preparations are picking up, in an exceptional display of efficiency, the Public Works Department has completed ten simple cottages to provide accommodation for 10-12 pilgrims in each cottage at the Old Goa complex. This cottages are well equipped with light, fans, mobile charging points, etcetera. Also, washroom facilities. The cottages are located ten minutes away from Se Cathedral. Seven more cottages are being built and they will be ready before the Exposition starts. There will be special barracks for police and fire services personnel near the old Goa Panchayat. Goa Police is expected to deploy 1,500 cops to facilitate the 45-days Exposition of St Francis Xavier’s casket in which the saint’s relics are kept for pilgrims to revere and seek the saint’s blessings.
In view of complaints about traffic jams a special transport plan has been drawn up by the Goa Police and will be put in place soon. There will be as many as 40 commandos for the anti-terrorist squad and the National Security Guard to protect the Bom Jesus Basilica and Se Cathedral. The famous Shillong Choir from Meghalaya is expected to perform undar a shamiana outside Se Cathedral on November 27.
The special electric carriage for the transportation of the casket containing St Francis Xavier’s sacred relics from Bom Jesus Basilica to the Se Cathedral is ready and trial runs will start soon. Both the Se Cathedral and Bom Jesus Basilica have been cleaned and got a fresh coat of paint for the occasion. Fr Henry Ferrao, convener from the Church of Goa side, is confident that the venue will be ready in time for the Exposition starting on November 21, 2024.

AND A few stray thoughts on Goa celebrating “Vodlem Diwali,” namely Tulsi Vivah. This celebratioin is unique to Goa and Konkan areas where the tulsi or sacred basil growing in the aangan or courtyard of Hindu homes is ceremonially “married” to Lord Krishna. Tulsi is said to be his beloved consort Radha in Hindu mythology. Lord Krishna’s principal wife is Rukmini but in a manner of speaking she has to accept Radha in the form of a plant outside the house in the courtyard and in most homes a diya is lit and the tulsi plant growing in the ornamental pot called tulsi vrindavan is worshipped.
Once year when vodlem Diwali or little Diwali day comes around it is time for the family to meet for the Tulsi Lagna or marriage when it is Radha as the tulsi plant who takes centre stage and is evoked in puja rituals. My wife and I have had the privilege of attending a Tulsi Vivah celebration at the ancestral home of industrialist home of Anil Counto at Savoi Verem in Goa. Along with the renewed wows of Tulsi Vivah married couples to pledge their marital vows anew.
After Ganesh Chovoth it is the celebration of Tulsi Vivah which is considered the most important festival of Goa. It sees all the members of a joint family immediate and extended turning up to participate and enjoy family togetherness. Interestingly, in the tulsi vivah puja while the tulsi plant represents Radha, Lord Krishna is symbolized by sugarcane. So the market around this time are flooded with long sugarcane sticks and all the other ingredients required for the Tulsi Vivah puja. The traditional art of making clay vrundavans to plant the tulsi plant has also been revived during this time. With the celebration of Tulsi Vivah the marriage season begins for Hindu families officially.

AND a few stray thoughts on Travel & Tourism Association of Goa stalwarts speaking out about the gaps in Goa’s tourism infrastructure. TTAG expected a good tourism season this year but it has been pointed out that the tourism season has still not reached that of the pre-Covid pandemic and lockdown years yet. The TTAG warns against an overload of tourists.
It points out that too many tourists too diminishes the tourism experience for tourists and Goans alike. However much the government of Goa may protest against adverse social media comments, there is some truth in this observation. And now travel and tourism trade and hospitality people too are complaining about tourism infrastructure unable to keep pace with tourism growth in Goa. Goa may get a lot of tourists, especially domestic tourists, but the problem is that an excess of tourists is also a nightmare to deal with and cater to.
This is partly because of the exorbitant transport charges and the terrible state of roadways in Goa. The fact that there are two airports has only complicated matters. The shifting of most charters and domestic flights to Mopa has badly affected tourism in south Goa. Goa must learn from other tourism destinations like Thailand and Malaysia to create a sustainable infrastructure for tourism growth.

AND a few stray thoughts on the ongoing controversy on what the legal age is for serving alcohol to young people. Many states and Union territories have fixed the minimum age for entering into bars and consumption of alcohol from 18-25 years. The problem is there are no checks in place when it comes to young people buying and indulging in liquor in hotels and night clubs in Goa.
Though the minimum age for drinking in Goa is 18 years, in most Catholic families social drinking is part of the growing-up process. So much so drinking is common even among Goan teenagers of both sexes. Parents are not strict enough with banning liquor for people below the age of 18 at home or outside the home.
As a consequence after imbibing a little too much fights break out and we have heard enough about date rapes happening in Goa. As also many incidents of drunken driving and beach in incidents of drowning. It is no use pretending only tourists get drunk and create disorder. The bitter truth is that in Goa drinking is part of the culture and this should not be a matter of pride. It is the myth that Goans can hold their liquor better than the outside tourists. Alcohol consumption beyond a minimum limit in dangerous and hazardous for the health of everyone young or old in Goa or out of Goa.
Unfortunately, alcohol freebies or cheap alcohol availability, attracts tourists to come to Goa for drinking binge holidays and weekend breaks from their own home states.

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