IMMENSELY grateful to all my friends and well-wishers for their concern and support over the inordinate delay in my Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card. My life has been a bundle of challenges and this is just another one. The power of perseverance is what God has blessed me with. I am not someone who gives up.

I am pursuing my OCI application as I feel it’s my right by established law and it cannot be denied to me without a reason. I wonder what is the thinking behind this dragging of the feet by the authorities. 

An OCI card is my entitlement and only if the courts decide to contrary, I would rest my case. But not without a fight to the finish.

— Aires Rodrigues, London

SIDE HIGHLIGHTS OF 55TH IFFI 2024: Filmi life is on inside the INOX complex but outside on the pavement there are these line-up of tantalizing aakash kandeel…participating in a taluka-wise kandeel competition. Reportedly this is Vice-Chairperson Delilah Lobo’s idea, for her heart beats for Goa and Goans! Competition participants win cash prizes of Rs5,000/Rs3,000/Rs2,000.( Pic by Tara Narayan)


By hearing-impaired Catholic priest

FR JOSEPH  Thermadam, the first Indian Catholic priest with hearing impairment will celebrate the Holy Eucharist at the St Francis Xavier Training Centre for Children with Disability in Old Goa on Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 9.30 am.  It will be a  silent mass celebrated through sign language.

There are 120 deaf Catholic pilgrims who will participate, they have come specially to venerate the sacred relics of St Francis Xavier. This is a coming together of the Indian Catholic Deaf Association and the Goan Catholic Deaf Association who will participate in togetherness to praise God for the gift of St Francis Xavier.

Fr Henry Falcao, Convenor of the Solemn Exposition of the Relics of St. Francis Xavier, after the mass, will address the hearing disabled community before the interaction between the two groups for understanding and future collaboration. There are around 180 hearing disabled Catholics attending the celebration. Incidentally, St Francis Xavier began his interaction with the locals through signs and symbols to share the good news.

Fr Joseph joins a select group of approximately 25 hearing impaired priests worldwide within the Catholic Church. Reflecting on his journey to priesthood, Fr Joseph says “this is a start and a message to those with limitations like me that all this is possible.”

St Francis Xavier Training Centre for Children with Disability is coordinating the celebration along with the Disability Rights Association of Goa.

 –Fr Walter D’ Souza, Incharge, St Francis Xavier Training Centre for Children with Disability, Goa

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