THE 21st century contemporary world is an era of rapid transformation, marked by significant advancements in technology, globalization and changes in societal values, global politics and cultural norms. In such a swiftly changing dynamic world, societies are striving to adapt to change and meet more up-to-date standards of progress, equality, modernity — which often seems at odds with traditions.
Yet, in the case of the “hijab” which so many Muslim women wear — for them it remains a powerful symbol of faith, identity and empowerment. This is so for most Muslim communities globally. In a rapidly modernizing world, the hijab holds a unique position, bridging tradition and modernity, at the same time sparking a lot of debates about freedom, feminism and diversity.
The hijab is an Arabic word referring to a “veil” and generally it refers to a Muslim woman’s attire which covers her hair and body with a few exceptions like the face and the hands, to fulfil a commandment of Almighty and to embody modest dress and character. This advice is rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Hadith Hijab reflects a woman’s commitment to her creator as mentioned in the verses of Surah An-Nur (24:31) and Surah Al-Ahzab (33:59) which emphasizes the importance of modesty and guides the believing women to cover themselves appropriately, to protect their dignity and command respect.
However, in today’s world, where external appearances create a validation of a person’s worth, the hijab has become a counter narrative, where women need not undergo societal pressures or surgical changes to conform to unrealistic beauty standards, but instead it gives them the freedom to choose how they wish to present themselves in their attire vis-a-vis their physical appearance.
Islamic values allow Muslim women to focus not on how the world perceives them but on how they perceive the world, despite their decision to cover themselves up. For centuries, Muslim women have been portrayed as veiled, oppressed and often misunderstood by feminists who feel they are need of rescuing!

However, throughout history and to this day, Muslim women have created incredibly powerful legacies; for instance, there’re women like Fatima al-Fihri of the 9th century, who funded and built the world’s first university; Ibtihaj Muhammad, present American fencer, and many more. The hijab reflects the unique connection of faith, culture and gender, highlighting the need for feminism to be inclusive of all women’s choices, it is not a barrier to being empowered for those who choose to wear it with pride.
Above all, hijab is not perceived as just a piece of fabric. Wearing it is a testament of strength, resilience and dignity for all Muslim women, in an ever-changing global landscape. So, by wearing hijab, I feel empowered with other women like me like me, to proclaim commitment to Allah and assert independence from societal norms that objectify and sexualize woman. It makes me feel both faithful and progressive because I have the right to decide for myself to prove that tradition and modernity can coexist harmoniously!

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