IT’S becoming very distressing to see so many homeless reduced to sleeping on streets and pavements. Undoubtedly, this is a global phenomenon even in so-called advanced countries. The authorities should set up adequate night shelters to cater for these less fortunate destitute people.
In fact, as part of the disaster management task there should be a contingency plan in place. Supporting those in need and marginalized people will boost their immunity and health, protect them from infections and diseases.
The focus of any government should be at all times to care, be concerned and comfort every citizen, not least of the poorest of the poor. Through concrete measures usher in succour and solace to our unfortunate brothers and sisters out in the cold, sun and rain.
Nelson Mandela rightly said “Freedom is meaningless if people cannot put food in their stomachs, if they can have no shelter, if illiteracy and disease continue to dog them.”
—Aires Rodrigues, London
OUR society is undergoing too many troubles and difficulties and there are many people suffering due to loneliness, depression and suicidal tendencies. We are failing in adhering to the power of love! True love is divineand helps people in need and want and searching for a reason to live.
The power of true love gives meaning to many people, mainly those who are shattered dueto broken relationships, unfaithful friendships, which leadsthem to various addictions. But the power of love empowers, enriches and strengthens in difficult times. Love enlightens us to live so simply that others may simply live. It heals and secures a person during rough times with cheerfulness. Love helps broken and separated loved ones to reunite with one another.
—Cajetan Peter D’Souza, MUMBAI

DO you know that April 19 is Husband Appreciation day? Let us keep 2 minutes silence and read some quotes from great personalities:
• “After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin, they just can’t face each other, but still they stay together.” – Al Gore
• “A good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong.” – Barack Obama
• When you are in love, wonders happen. But once you get married, you wonder, what happened.” — Steve Jobs
And the best one is…
• “Marriage is a beautiful forest where brave lions are killed by beautiful deers.” – Brad Pitt
We are sharing this for National Husband Appreciation Day coming up by way of engaging in some laughter therapy! Share with others.
—Shared on FB post